Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word “cakra” which means “wheel”. This is representative of the universal law that everything within us and around is connected. Chakras are the 7 energy centers we have within our bodies. All living creatures have chakras, not just us humans. These layers are what make up your aura. Your energy centers work in sync with your physical body. Your aura also works alongside your physical body. Each chakra is each associated with a color, crystals, essential oils, foods, health issues, mental health/spiritual issues, organs, etc. You may see them ordered differently or called alternative names such as “energy vortexes”.

Chakras can be closed, open, blocked, or overactive. Closed chakras can be opened again using sound healing or working with crystals. Connecting with chakras is essentially getting in tune with our own energy so we can center ourselves. It is important to maintain the balance between our mind and body. Working with chakras can activate your Kundalini energy. This is the powerful force we all have that slowly builds the more you work to awaken it. Kundalini energy can bring immense bliss, heightened psychic abilities, and intuitive sensations.

I have previously given a presentation on chakras in a ‘mindfulness meditation course’ I’ve taken. I’ve found tarot to be a very helpful divination tool for working with chakras. I do offer a chakra healing service! This is one of my most popular services because it accesses each energy point to address what's specifically going on. Situations we are facing in our lives can show up in our energy centers, so if you want a reading that will hit every point this is highly recommended! Be sure to check out my guide for this particular spread under the ‘Guides"‘ section.

What are the 7 energy centers & how can we work with each one?

The Physical Chakras

The bottom 3 chakras are all about how we perceive our material reality and ground ourselves. These chakras are important for not only living, but surviving on Earth. These chakras are affected by our environment, home life, finances, work situation, etc.

Root chakra-

Affirmation: “I am safe & grounded. I create stability for myself.”

Color: Red (passion, energy)

Security, survival, grounding, safety, connection to physical realm, being, family

Where: Tail Bone

Crystals: Red garnet, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Hematite, Onyx, Smoky Quartz

Essential oils: Cedarwood, Frankincense

Sacral chakra-

Affirmation: “I am creative. I live in my authentic truth.”

Color: Orange (enthusiasm)

Self expression, sexuality, passion, creativity

Where: Navel, base of your gut

Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone

Essential oils: Ylang Ylang, Orange

Solar Plexus chakra-

Affirmation: “I am strong, powerful, & radiant. I am unknown to fear.”

Color: Yellow (happiness)

Self confidence, personality, personal power, masculine energy, radiance, self-esteem, self-empowerment

Where: Torso, 2 inches above navel

Crystals: Yellow Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber

Essential oil: Lemon, Rosemary

Note: The heart chakra is the only one not considered a physical or spiritual chakra because it represents our center, our core. Instead, this chakra acts as the meeting place for both the spiritual & physical.

Heart chakra-

Affirmation: “I am love. My love is genuine. I am open to receiving the love I give. I love freely.”

Color: Green (harmony)

Compassion, empathy, the center of your energy, love

Where: Upper chest, center of your body

Crystals: Green Aventurine, Jade, Rose Quartz, Emerald

Essential oil: Rose, Bergamot

The Spiritual Chakras

The top 3 chakras focus on our connection to the spiritual world and the relationship we have with our higher self. Your higher self is the best version of yourself. The you that is capable of being purely expressive of love in all its forms. These chakras are influenced by our emotional world, the sounds, visuals we intake & physical touch we share with others i.e, soul contracts.

Throat chakra-

Affirmation: “I am expressive. I honor my truth. I respect my boundaries.”

Color: Blue (trust, loyalty)

Communication, truth, boundaries

Where: Throat area, neck, collar bone

Crystals: Blue Apatite, Aquamarine, Amazonite, Celestite

Essential oil: Eucalyptus, Lavender

Third Eye chakra-

Affirmation: “I am connected. I trust what I see.”

Color: Indigo (integrity)

Awareness, psychic ability, intuition, channeling messages

Where: Center of forehead, in between eyes

Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Sapphire

Essential oil: Lavender, Jasmine

Crown chakra-

Affirmation: “I am Divine. I use my intuitive powers for good.”

Color: Purple, Violet (spirituality, imagination)

Connection to spiritual realms, The Divine, connection to higher self, wisdom

Where: Head & Above it

Crystals: Amethyst, Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Labradorite

Essential oil: Peppermint, Lotus

Note: Crystal work is useful for amplifying energy you want to attract or to raise your own vibration. You will see that some crystals are repeated for multiple chakras & this is on purpose. 

Chakra Healing

As a writer, I will forever advocate for the healing power of journaling. I have been journaling for years now. Its a safe space I’ve created for myself where my emotions are validated. It allows me to take a look back at my progress & keep memory. Answering specific journal prompts for each chakra can provide the start you’re looking for to reflect on your journey. For my chakra journal prompts,  head to my Instagram* and scroll down!

Singing bowls are helpful tools to help you focus on sound during your meditation if you struggle with staying focused. Singing bowls are used during sound healing. There are different sizes, materials, used to create singing bowls. Each of them plays a different frequency therefore producing a unique sound. Take your time browsing through all of the options out there. Singing bowls can be purchased at any spiritual shop or Amazon.

Here’s a video** I’ve found very helpful. Its very quick only 10 minutes, but it spends 3 minutes on each chakra starting from the root working all the way up to the crown. Meditation allows you to establish presence & sense of belonging. It’s also reassuring for those who constantly live in fear. Being still allows you to recognize your personal power & minimize codependency. Regular meditation strengthens your mind and connection to the Divine and the Universe.

Bonus Tips:

  • Wear the color associated with that chakra

  • Listen to the frequency associated with that chakra

  • Eat the foods associated with each chakra

  • Practice breathing exercises

Note: Each chakra has a meditation frequency associated with it. Playing this in the background while you do your daily activities is helpful to opening up that energy center.


**Video Link:


Alcantara, M., & Bingham, T. (2019). Chakra healing: A beginner’s guide to self-healing techniques that balance the Chakras. New York: Fall River Press.

“Chakras” Final Presentation (created by me)


Zintle S., M.A. is a 25 year old Astrologer, Writer, and avid traveler born and raised in NYC. She is a Libra with a deep-found love for supporting others in their healing through Astrology & Tarot reading. A passionate advocate for sharing her truth, she also explores the world, seeking inspiration and insights from around the globe on the The Sweet Spot blog.


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